Monday, November 05, 2007

Silly Nazy

First of all I'd like to dish out a big thank you to everyone who showed up on Saturday night. I like being the center of attention, so thanks for indulging me. It meant a lot.

On a completely different note, I had to give up my Blackberry last week. I swear the last time I missed something this much was when I quit smoking. They call them crackberries for a reason. I'm getting another one, but still waiting for it to arrive. Consequently I'm stuck using Q's old RAZR phone. The arrow keys don't like to work sometimes - oh and my bluetooth headset just died this morning. I love the quality of craftsmanship these days.

The one plus is that I have a camera phone again. I find I'm having a lot of fun with it. It's great to be able to take snapshots of things you find immediately interesting. Take this picture for example.

It's hard to read, but the red letters read "Dec 1. Happy Birthday Jesus Party."

Graffiti is another favourite of mine. Especially when they don't know how to spell.
Can you find the grammatical error?