Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Scary meating

The other night I had some pretty weird dreams. At one point I was in a haunted house with some blond girl. I knew it was haunted, but wanted to stay the night anyways.

All these scary things happened, which I don't remember, but apparently I was moaning and whimpering and thrashing around in my sleep. This sort of freaked Q out considering I typically go into a lifeless coma when my head hits the pillow.

The only thing I remember is this hard cover book on a table which flipped open by itself. The pages were blank, but then the words "GET OUT" started appearing letter by letter, line by line until both open pages were full. Then it flipped to the next page and continued. The words appeared faster and faster and the pages flipped quicker and quicker until it became a blur and the book suddenly slammed shut. It was all weird stuff like that in the dream - no bloody ghosts or demons, and alas no Ryan Reynolds running around in wet pajama bottoms sitting deliciously below his hips.

Then later in a new dream, I was out in a park having a picnic with lots of people I didn't recognize. Actually some were from the In A Fix tv show (but no Sparky - sigh, why must my dreams disappoint me so). We were carving out these giant watermelons which had been cut in half. Then they were filled with raw ground beef until it was spilling out and put on a stove top to cook.

Maybe that's when I started freaking out in my sleep.