Wednesday, July 13, 2005

You're it!

Well I got tagged, thanks Dickey. So here goes:

10 years ago: I had just finished highschool and would have just moved into my new apt with my first boyfriend, The Walrus. There was nothing more exciting than leaving the farm and moving to the big city - where I fit in much better. Small town boy grows up to be big town girl.

5 years ago: In the beginnings of my relationship with Psycho and moved out on my own to live in a bachelor apt. I hadn't lived alone before - or since. Wouldn't do it again either, but was necessary at the time (if only I'd stayed there and not moved in with psycho....). Also had started my first career job doing on-site tech support for companies around Toronto.

1 year ago: Was in the throes of the beginnings of my relationship with the only man I've truly ever loved. Also 2 months into my new job as head of the tech department.

Yesterday: Getting an old client back. They originally stuck with my old employer when I moved on. Yesterday they crying back to me. It's nice to be appreciated.

Today: On hold with Bell. What else is new?

Tomorrow: Get my refurbished orthotics back. I've been living without them for almost 3 weeks. I feel like an old man complaining about my aching legs and hips all the time. Thank you god, for giving me the world's flattest feet ever.

5 snacks I enjoy: Snickers, almonds, tortilla chips, fruit, anything chocolate

5 bands/singers that I know the lyrics of MOST of their songs: Erasure, Pet Shop Boys, New Order, Abba, Beautiful South. Gay enough for ya?

5 things I would do with $100,000,000: Pay off debts, give to friends and family, travel the world, get all the toys and gadgets I could ever want, build my dream home with dream car - Barbie move over, there's a new girl in town!

5 locations I'd like to run away to: Australia, New York, an island somewhere remote, the Land of Big, Beautiful, Hairy Man-Slaves, the Land of Chocolate (if Dickey will let me in).

5 bad habits I have: Smoking, too many martinis, speaking before thinking, little patience for other drivers, sleeping in.

5 things I like doing: Sleeping in, listening to music, watching bad horror movies, working on my art, eating

5 things I would never wear: capris, white jeans, flip flops, a knitted scull cap, size 60 jeans falling past my ass, with the crotch below the knees and 5 yards of fabric gathered at my ankles and tucked into my socks - but only in the back. (saw that one yesterday)

5 TV shows I like: Desparate Housewives, The Family Guy, Boston Legal, Crossing Jordan, CSI

5 movies I like: Sixteen Candles, Spirited Away, Pricilla Queen of the Desert, Revenge of the Nerds, Queen of Outer Space

5 famous people I'd like to meet: Ryan Reynolds (perferably alone in a hotel room), Peter Jackson, Neil Tennant, Ben Watt, and that chick from the Go Go's who was on The Surreal Life - she looks like a lot of fun.

5 biggest joys at the moment: My kitties, my boyfriend, my niece and nephew, my friends, men in shorts

5 favorite toys: PVR, iPod, car, digital camera, computer

Tagging: Anyone who's reading this