Thursday, November 03, 2005

2 Questions I never thought I'd be asked

Number 1:

Q and I were standing on Castro St Saturday night watching all the fabulous costumes go by. At one point an asian drag queen walked by us, turned, and in a very sultry voice asked:

Asian bird flu anyone?

We almost pissed ourselves laughing so hard. We were just so utterly shocked we couldn't stop laughing.

Number 2:

We were on the streetcar going down Market St when yet another crazy person got on. He walked up to me and said "You smoke crack?"

"No," I replied "not today."

"Really??" he answered "Because I smoke crack! I fucking love smokin' crack!!" and he proceeded to go on about the virtues of smoking crack and how much he enjoyed it as he made his way to the back of the streetcar and sat down.

That must have been some good shit.