Thursday, November 17, 2005

Confessions on a Computer Screen

As if being saddled with the task of buying my mother an electric mixer for Christmas wasn't gay enough, Susan dragged my tired ass out to 5ive at 10:00 last night for the Madonna CD release party. It was fucking cold, and we had to wait in line to get in. I hate waiting in line. And as always, there was one Solid Gold reject doing his dance moves solo on the dance floor as the place was fillling up. I think he was re-interpreting vogue-ing with a splash of Paula Abdul. I need not say more.

Now maybe I'm naive, but aren't they supposed to actually play songs from the new album at a CD release party? They played Sorry at midnight, and Hung Up at 1:00 am. It's not like there isn't a lot to choose from, the disc is filled with dance tracks - hence the name. Instead we were subjected to Lucky Star, but sped up so she sounded like one of the Chipmunks.

I find it a bit strange to walk into a club that I haven't been to in a long time. I used to love going there for the bear/leather nights a few years back. Lots of hot daddies to oogle at. Of course now everything inside has completely changed and so has the crowd. Instead of big, burly daddies, I was treated to thin, flimsy, college queens and girls. Not one fuckable guy in the entire place. Not that I was planning, but it's always fun to look.

Anyways, I did enjoy myself, but was even happier to come home and climb into bed with Q. I've almost shaken off the hangover.