Pre-Halloween Party
Sorry D.R. but I just had to steal this picture. You're right, it sums up the entire weekend. For more pictures of what fags will do for a Halloween Party at Gay Camp, head on over to DeadRobot's page.
You make me touch your hands for stupid reasons.
Sorry D.R. but I just had to steal this picture. You're right, it sums up the entire weekend. For more pictures of what fags will do for a Halloween Party at Gay Camp, head on over to DeadRobot's page.
Brought to you by
9:24 PM
We've been in the new house for over a year and up until last night, my walls were pretty much bare. With all the nice, new drywall everywhere I've been hesitant to put any holes in it. It's silly I know, but when you pay a shitload of money for renovations, you're not too keen on putting holes in walls.
Last night I finally took the plunge and decided to hang a couple of panels on either side of the bay window in the living room. Seeing as I have trouble with depth perception and lining things up at times, I decided that putting the first hook at the top left corner of the window was a good idea. It was square, and more importantly a good reference point so I could put the other hook in the same spot on the other side of the window and they would be (more or less) even .
So I took the drill and proceeded to make the first hole, which resulted in a huge chunk of plaster (or drywall mud or whatever the fuck it was) coming loose and falling at my feet. It was then that I discovered that that particular portion of the wall was not made of drywall in any way, shape or form. So after much swearing and muttering, I moved the bracket and tried again, with success this time. I also arranged it in such a way so that the panel hid the ever so slight huge imperfection I had caused. After that I figured "what the hell" and proceeded to go around the house and start putting up all the things I had purchased but had never gotten around to hanging. I'm happy with the results.
It's kind of like getting that first scratch on your new car. The subsequent marks and dings don't seem so bad afterwards.
Brought to you by
9:58 AM
I always take Q to the classiest of family functions. On Saturday we went to my cousin Janet's wedding. She's a beautiful girl and her hubby's a hottie. I'm very happy for them and it was a great time.
My family is, oh what's the term, a little red in the neck shall we say? There are also a few hard core drinkers. One of whom showed up at the church reeking of booze and proceeded to grab a woman's ass. Q was just as shocked to see him get into his car and drive to the reception after the ceremony. I was just like "of course he's driving to the reception. He drove here. Don't worry, he'll make it." I'm sure the man's drunk 24/7.
At the reception there was someone who apparently had had enough of wearing a shirt and tie and had decided to change back into his ratty old grey tshirt and jeans. Nice. Someone also let one go right in the middle of a speech. One of the groomsmen were speaking at the podium, the room was silent and all of the sudden there was this loud, reverberating FFFFFAAAAAAARRRRTTTTTTT!!!!! Did I mention that we were sitting wooden chairs? Just gave it that extra reverberation. Everyone at that particular table then pulled their shirts up over their noses to cover the smell. At least we all had a laugh.
I was shocked to see 3 other fags at the party, considering it was in Whitby and all. I had to go scope them out, just to be sure, and it turned out that they were doctors at a clinic where Janet used to work. Very nice guys and a lot of fun.
Considering that there was an open bar, we got home late, and I was dragging my ass all day Sunday, there's no reason why I should have been up until 4:00am that night. It was like I'd had a coffee or something. Brutal.
Like I said, the bride and groom made a beautiful couple, and they looked extremely happy. Couldn't help but begin to think of what my wedding would be like.................
Brought to you by
10:00 AM
The rainbow connection.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
la la la la la la la la la la la......
I didn't sleep last night. No apparent reason. Last time I looked at the clock it was 4:00am. I'm on a major crash having exhausted what little energy I had for the day. I'm going delirious too. The Rainbow Connection has been looping incessantly in my brain for the past hour.
I hope the Venti Americano kicks in soon.
Brought to you by
1:42 PM
I opened up a face book account today. I'm screwed. People are finding me like flies to rotting cow heads in the desert. I'm already addicted. Damnit.
Brought to you by
4:07 PM
I did something today which I haven't done for a very long time. I pulled out my box of paints and brushes and actually painted. I'm not any good mind you, but it was awfully therapeutic. I decided to paint music, if that makes any sense. When I listen to music I often visualize the sounds in my head, and so I decided to try putting it down on paper - so to speak.
For my first attempt I selected Attached by Orbital, from their Snivilisation album. I've always liked this track as it slowly builds and builds until it's full of multi layered goodness. Then it deconstructs just as slowly. Just over 12 minutes in total. I played it twice as I painted, not even noticing that almost half an hour had gone by. The end result is multi layered canvas of brush strokes and colours.
My second piece was created while listening to Bachelorette by Bjork. It came out much different - sparse and earthy and slightly cartoony. Not too much of a surprise there.
I didn't end up with any masterpieces that could be hung in a church, but I did feel better afterwards. I'd been feeling very blah all day, and this released the tension.
You know, I never thought I'd hear myself mutter "No, that sound is definitely not yellow." I'm sure some of you out there will know what I mean.
Brought to you by
12:03 AM
Thought it was cute:
Some people are like Slinky's -
They don't really serve a purpose,
But still make you smile
When you push them down the stairs.
Brought to you by
11:57 PM
This was briefly the front page of CNN this morning. Our office manager noticed it and I managed to grab a screen cap. They've since fixed it.
Look very carefully at the "Live Developing Story."
Brought to you by
10:52 AM
Today, at lunch, while I was setting outside, on a bench, in a park, happily munching away on a sandwich,
a bird pooped on my head.
Thankfully it was only a little bit of poo and I had napkins with me.
Brought to you by
4:51 PM
No it's not what you're thinking you naughty dirty slut. It's a great time waster of a program. Just keep clicking.....
Brought to you by
12:47 PM
I'd love to tell you about the great weekend we had at The Point, but I think that Dead Robot's post and subsequent pictures tell it all. Plus I left the camera in the car and I'm too lazy to go get it. It's been a while since I've been the fresh meat on the block, and while I always enjoy the attention, I do wish that I would have had the luxury of choosing who it was coming from. But that's seldom the case.
Dead Robot and Shark Boy also brought me a bottle of bubbly to celebrate my new venture. It was very sweet of them, and much appreciated. I'm happy to find new friends who are just a warped as I am. We are going it alone this coming weekend and will heed all your warnings - including "No Sex Of Any Kind In The Pool Area." Even though I know of a kind of sex that would be perfect. Damn
We arrived home to a rather foul stench on Sunday. I noticed something faintly unpleasant in the air on Friday and emptied the garbage and green bins thinking that was the problem, but obviously not. So I got down on my stomach with flashlight and did some sleuthing. I soon discovered that a certain red haired kitty was out hunting mice again and managed to wedge a dead one under the wine cooler (along with many other cat toys I discovered). Q grabbed Howard and ran and hid like a little girl in the living room while I managed to get Dead Mouse out from under the cooler, into a bag and out of the house. Howard was pissed!! I don't ever remember seeing him so angry! Apparently he didn't like me taking his toy away, and sulked and spazzed around the house for an hour or more.
This isn't funny anymore. Those mice have got to go for good.
Brought to you by
11:43 PM
We're off to super gay camp fest again this weekend. In case anyone was wondering, this is what gay camping looks like:
Brought to you by
1:02 PM
Nothing much to add really. That's my new logo.
Update: I thought of something to add - an explanation.
1. It's based on binary equivalent of 6, 4, and 0:
6 = 0110
4 = 0100
0 = 0000
2. The colours were inspired by a place in NYC called The Chocolate Bar. I saw it when I was there a few years ago, took a picture, and thought that if I ever opened my own business, that's the colour scheme and I would use.
3. I decided on the retro "pong" look because I wanted to differentiate myself from other businesses doing the same thing. There's only so many times one can use the LCD calculator font before it gets boring (like once). I thought an element of design would be nice touch.
Brought to you by
10:41 PM
I quit my job today.
I've been working out of the same office for almost 8 years. I was 23 and fresh out of school when I started here. Little did I know then that I'd spend a relatively large portion of my life living and working out of an office at Yonge & St Clair.
I don't have many complaints about my current position. It's a small company, the pay is good, the people are nice and I like the location. It's just that I felt it was time to move on. And so, over the past few months, I've slowly been creating my own I.T. support company, 640k Solutions Inc.
As part of my job I work directly with the owners of all the companies I support. Eventually I began to look around (especially at their houses, cars and cottages) and wonder why I couldn't do the same thing myself - and set about doing it. The prospect of not being salaried is scary, however you don't get anywhere in life without taking risks.
So that's it. That's my big news. I QUIT MY STABLE, RELIABLE, GOOD PAYING JOB to start something of my own. Anyone out there looking to contract out their I.T. support can feel free to email me at jbarrieat640ksolutionsdotcom. Anyone out there with considerable Windows server/client, networking, Exchange, VPN, and Mac, knowledge who is looking for a job can also drop me a line.
God I need a drink and a cigarette. Fine. A drink it is.
Brought to you by
1:10 PM