Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I Quit!

I quit my job today.

I've been working out of the same office for almost 8 years. I was 23 and fresh out of school when I started here. Little did I know then that I'd spend a relatively large portion of my life living and working out of an office at Yonge & St Clair.

I don't have many complaints about my current position. It's a small company, the pay is good, the people are nice and I like the location. It's just that I felt it was time to move on. And so, over the past few months, I've slowly been creating my own I.T. support company, 640k Solutions Inc.

As part of my job I work directly with the owners of all the companies I support. Eventually I began to look around (especially at their houses, cars and cottages) and wonder why I couldn't do the same thing myself - and set about doing it. The prospect of not being salaried is scary, however you don't get anywhere in life without taking risks.

So that's it. That's my big news. I QUIT MY STABLE, RELIABLE, GOOD PAYING JOB to start something of my own. Anyone out there looking to contract out their I.T. support can feel free to email me at jbarrieat640ksolutionsdotcom. Anyone out there with considerable Windows server/client, networking, Exchange, VPN, and Mac, knowledge who is looking for a job can also drop me a line.

God I need a drink and a cigarette. Fine. A drink it is.