Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Dog Did It

I always take Q to the classiest of family functions. On Saturday we went to my cousin Janet's wedding. She's a beautiful girl and her hubby's a hottie. I'm very happy for them and it was a great time.

My family is, oh what's the term, a little red in the neck shall we say? There are also a few hard core drinkers. One of whom showed up at the church reeking of booze and proceeded to grab a woman's ass. Q was just as shocked to see him get into his car and drive to the reception after the ceremony. I was just like "of course he's driving to the reception. He drove here. Don't worry, he'll make it." I'm sure the man's drunk 24/7.

At the reception there was someone who apparently had had enough of wearing a shirt and tie and had decided to change back into his ratty old grey tshirt and jeans. Nice. Someone also let one go right in the middle of a speech. One of the groomsmen were speaking at the podium, the room was silent and all of the sudden there was this loud, reverberating FFFFFAAAAAAARRRRTTTTTTT!!!!! Did I mention that we were sitting wooden chairs? Just gave it that extra reverberation. Everyone at that particular table then pulled their shirts up over their noses to cover the smell. At least we all had a laugh.

I was shocked to see 3 other fags at the party, considering it was in Whitby and all. I had to go scope them out, just to be sure, and it turned out that they were doctors at a clinic where Janet used to work. Very nice guys and a lot of fun.

Considering that there was an open bar, we got home late, and I was dragging my ass all day Sunday, there's no reason why I should have been up until 4:00am that night. It was like I'd had a coffee or something. Brutal.

Like I said, the bride and groom made a beautiful couple, and they looked extremely happy. Couldn't help but begin to think of what my wedding would be like.................