Monday, May 16, 2005

It must be spring

This time of year can make you do crazy things. People tend to break up so they can find something new for the season, or they up and decide to get married.

I spent the better part of Sunday at a wedding party for a good friend of mine. Him and his finacee have been together since highschool and are finally tying the knot. Unfortunately, they are doing it up in a cabin in the north end of BC, so his mother threw a party for those of us that couldn't make it up next month.

I got home late last night and didn't check my messages, so I didn't return Dickey's call. Well, as it turns out, he decided to get married too! - As I found out on his blog this morning. Well I can't bitch at him for not telling me sooner, at least he tried. I did manage to reach him on the phone this morning to offer my congrats and he asked me to be in the wedding party. I was very flattered and said yes. I can't wait to see the bridesmaid outfit I get to wear! Just hope they make pumps in my size.

I couldn't be happier for him either. The-Wifey-Formerly-Known-As-Nursie is an awesome gal and exactly his type. Dickey needs a wife who'll say things like "Shut up you big homo" and mean it. Normally if someone I knew decided to get married in such a short time period, I'd be a little hesitant. As it stands, I've never seen Dickey so excited and happy to be with someone and I can't help but be excited for him too.

Who knows, maybe in a few years there will be a little Dickey running around shaving a mohawk into his barbies, smearing masquera all over the barbie's face and then having it beat the piss out of a bound GI Joe in heels and stockings. I'll provide the barbies.