Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Procrastination - pour homme

This is in response to Dickey's post which was in response to my post about being a lazy artist.

We can do a joint show called Procrastination. It will be held in some remote warehouse off in the west, west end because we waited too long to book it.

Then, in a mad rush, we can put up some hastily made flyers and advertise in weekly papers because we've left it too late again.

In the meantime we'll stress out because the show isn't even done yet, and all the time that we thought we'd leave for finishing our pieces at the last minute is taken up by last minute show preparations.

Then the sound system won't be available because neither of us confirmed it so we will have to use one of our stereos.

While the show happens the speakers will explode due to the exposed wires sitting in pools of water and my pieces will start falling off the wall because I just grabbed the first thing I found at the hardware store (cheap string).

The room will suddenly be filled with deafening, distorted music interspersed with the sounds of crashing pictures and breaking glass. In other words - a complete success.

Laurie Anderson eat your heart out.