Thursday, February 15, 2007


Last night we were relaxing in front of the TV after dinner, red wine in hand, and generally enjoying some downtime. We decided to watch CSI: NY. In one of the storylines a guy was murdered (surprise). He lived with his sister who also happened to be the only witness and described the attacker as being a woman fitting her own description. It was later revealed that they had both been in a car accident a number of months ago and she had moved in with him while recuperating. I immediately guessed that she suffered some brain trauma and as a result killed him, thinking that someone else was the murderer. Wouldn't you know it, at the end of the show they were interrogating her and she looked into a mirror and started screaming "that's the woman who killed my brother!!" How original.

However, in true CSI fashion, they discovered clues in the most fantastical ways. While sorting through hundreds of shards of broken glass, an investigator came across a teensy, tiny, pie shaped piece of material. It was at most half an inch long and a quarter inch wide at the edge. Using a hunch he took a blank CD and chipped out a piece the same size. He then stuck the evidence in that spot (which fit perfectly on the first try), taped it together, stuck it in a CD player and hit play. Magically a sample of the song came out of the speakers and using even more super duper audio analysis, he was able to pinpoint the song and album. I freaked.

Technologically speaking, this is impossible. A burned CD has an area on it with the table of contents as to where all the information is stored. Without that, the player wouldn't know that the data was there, let alone be able to decode it. Not to mention that the data for a song is not written sequentially, like on a record. Having a leprechaun being fucked by a unicorn jumping out of the speakers would have been equally as plausible (and preferable) when he hit the play button. I can only suspend disbelief for so long.

At 9:00 our phone rang. It was a telemarketer. They've been calling a lot in the past few weeks. I'd finally had enough. I picked up the phone and the poor bastard was only able to spit out a few words before I hit the roof.


Hi sir, I'm calling from Rogers Telecom and -

Do you know what time it is? It's 9:00 in the evening! What the hell are you doing calling my house at 9:00 at night?

Well sir, these are the working hours and -

Well those aren't my working hours! I work from 9 to 5 and when I come home I want to relax and the last thing I want to do is be interrupted in the evenings by telemarketers. And it's valentine's day!! What the hell are you doing calling in the evening on Valentine's Day? I don't care what you're selling, whatever it is I'm not interested!

Poor bastard didn't know what hit him. Afterwards I felt a little bad. The guy was just doing his job, and it's a shitty job on top of that. But still, 9:00? Isn't that a bit late?