Thursday, February 08, 2007

GOD wants you to listen to shitty music has some interesting theories regarding fags and how much God hates them (even though man was made in god's image in which case he must like it up the ass at least 10% of the time). They have a fantastic rehabilitation program called C.H.O.P.S. - Changing Homosessuals into Ordinary People. No, I don't have a clue what the S stands for either. The creator, Donnie Davies, knows all about the road of being gay and transforming into a beautiful heterosexual butterfly. He's been there. He's even, get ready for this, "been called a faggot." Wow. That's awful. I feel so sorry for him. That's almost as bad as being chased by a bunch of rednecks and having the shit pounded out of you.

There is also a list of Gay Bands that you should never ever listen to, including such staples as Erasure, Depeche Mode, Scissor Sisters, Pet Shop Boys, Madonna, The Village People and Boy George, just to name a few. Other no-no's include Ghostface Killah, Twisted Sister, The Doors, Metallica (because they touch tongues), Barry Manilo, Frank Sinatra, Clay Aiken (who should be on everyone's No Listen List) and Elton John who, according to the website, is "very gay". It goes on and on.

On the other hand it is officially OK to listen to a whopping 17 Bands (I love how they refer to everyone as "Bands"). Straight people can listen to Cindy Lauper (because she has absolutely no gay ties at all. Nope. None whatsoever), P.O.D, Evanescence, and 14 other "Bands" I've never heard of before.

Makes me that much happier to be gay. If I were straight I'd throw my iPod and stereo out the window. No wonder us homosexuals have such a hard time. All the straight boys are jealous that we get to listen - no - enjoy listening to music.

Have to give them props though, I do like the logo.

Oh, and one more thing. There's a link to Donnie's personal website. It's not exactly what I'd call butch.