Monday, October 24, 2005


So my great idea of putting a package of my work together and sending it to Ben Watt in London didn't pan out. The package was returned. I'm not sure exactly why, except that it looks like the mailman tried to deliver it twice, gave up and returned it. The guy at the post office suggested that I call Canada Post and verify if they are even supposed to XpressPost packages to PO boxes. If not, then he said I should be able to get my money back. I figured that if it was too big for a PO box then they would leave a little note for a parcel to be picked up at the post office. Guess I was wrong.

There go my chances of making a great first impression. There go my chances of meeting BW in San Fran. There go my chances of getting free tickets to the show. Fuckers.

I'm really getting frustrated at the responses I've been getting lately, or more correctly, the lack thereof. I've sent out emails to a few people lately, some of whom I've met before, and received no replies. No "That's great, but it's not for my gallery" or "That sucks and it's not for my gallery" or "Your work is shit" or "Your work is pretty good." Nothing. Nothing at all. That's the worst part. I can handle the rejection, in fact I expect it. I just thought that people would be a little more courteous. How naive.

On another note, Phil and I watched The Killer Barbys (spelt Barbies in the movie, but not on the packaging) last night. It's a DVD he got me for my birthday which turned out to be a poorly translated and dubbed spanish horror movie. They are a rock group who get stranded in the middle of nowhere and have to spend the night in a castle where there is an evil countess who needs the blood of young people to stay alive. Pretty standard fare with lots of sex and girls running around in underwear and/or nude. But being a european movie, there was also full frontal male nudity too. The guy wasn't much to look at, but man was he packing.

They get trapped because a wheel of their van gets stuck in a hole. Of course they all get out (except the 2 fucking in the back, as the do for the whole movie until they're killed) and look but can't figure out what's wrong. Duh. Then a mysterious old man appears, looks and tells them that the shocks are broken, but they can stay the night in the castle. He'll call for a tow in the morning. You know, if they'd just pushed the damn thing.....

An interesting feature of the film is that it is always 12:00. Not sure if it's am or pm most of the time as it's daylight one minute and then dark the next, then daylight again etc etc. But we lost count of how many times the camera zoomed in on every single clock in the castle telling you it was 12:00. Spooooookyyyyyy.....

Favourite line as said by victim#3 as he jumps on a bed:

"I'm going to sleep like Queen Victoria!"

I gather she must sleep very well indeed.