Friday, October 07, 2005

Veal anyone?

My sister lives on a small farm with cattle, pigs and a donkey named Jack. The other night at 4:00 am Jack started making all kinds of noise. Her husband went out to look and saw a cow laying on the ground. Since she was pregnant and due, he just figured she was giving birth and went back inside. A few hours later Jack started making all kinds of noise again. He went back out and saw that calf had been delivered, but the cow was still on the ground. Then he noticed something very wrong - she was still pushing and her insides were coming out. By the time the vet arrived, she had pushed almost all of her insides out, ruptured a major artery and died. Apparently cows are known to do this from time to time.

The calf however was fine, and Jack was standing over it, guarding the little thing. Now it has to be hand fed, and consequently loves people and loves being pet (I can't wait to see it, they're so cute when they're young). Jack also keeps a careful eye over anyone who goes near the calf.

Smart ass, stupid cow.