Wednesday, October 05, 2005

This is why I prefer email

The package I sent to Ben Watt still hasn't arrived. I know it landed in London, but where it went from there, I have no idea. I've placed a trace at XpressPost, but it will be up to 15 days before I get an answer.

In the meantime I emailed his assistant who confirmed that aliens did indeed swoop down and take the box back to the mothership, leaving her with nothing. I resigned myself to emailing her the letter I enclosed in the box, along with the link to my site. Not the kind of impact I was going for, but what can I do.

The interesting thing is she told me that I should always send artwork in pdf or link to my site. Sounds like she gets sent this sort of stuff on a regular basis. That gives me an idea - I might just start contacting record labels directly and sending them stuff. The worst that will happen is nothing.

One day goddamnit. One day someone, somewhere will see my work and I will quit my job and make money doing what I love the most. I won't stop until that happens.