Thursday, January 19, 2006

I'm Free!!!

That's right Captain Peacock. I can eat whatever I want cuz the diet is done. In fact I had a glazed chocolate doughnut as soon as I got to work this morning. I didn't really want it, but had been craving it for so long that I really just ate it out of principle. And I had Raisin Bran for breakfast, my first dose of wheat products in 10 days. It upset my stomach. The doughnut afterwards didn't help much either.

But still no smoking!! I think I'll continue to stay off the sugar, wheat, coffee and alcohol for little while longer. Or at least reduce it.

Went to Yoga last night and brought Q along with me. Poor guy, I wasn't sure he was going to make it all the way through. Ashtanga Yoga is not easy - especially your first time. It kills you. I'm not sure if he'll go back, but now he can't poke fun at me for going anymore because he knows.