Monday, January 16, 2006

It's been one week!!!

Since I last sucked a fag. Actually that's true on both accounts. I need to fix that.

The physical craving have pretty much subsided and now it's just the habit that I need to break. So I've been chewing a lot of gum, snacking on unsalted almonds and carrots, have gone back to the gym and started yoga again. My bathroom is also very clean. Idle hands are smoking hands!

Plus I can officially start eating real food again on Thursday. I may stay off of wheat for a while longer though. It's a great way to slim down and I'm finding that it can make me feel very bloated. If I start off by slimming down quickly, it will give me the motivation to keep going to the gym.

Speaking of which, Q and I went out to get some workout clothes on the weekend. Lucky for us, Winners had some sort of "athletic event sale" or something. I ended up buying almost $200 worth of pants, t-shirts and shorts - he bought a pair of track pants. It's hard to find clothing for yoga, and they had a lot of stuff for great prices. Plus I find new gym clothes can motivate me. I know that it's super duper faggy gay, but it makes me feel good to put on my new outfit and go workout. Plus I can mix and match! Is there anything more fabulous than that?