Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A case of Foot In Mouth Disease

Sometimes I can be bitchy. I know it's hard to believe, but it's true.

Sometimes when I'm stressed, I can get bitchy.

Sometimes when my blood sugar drops, I can get bitchy-er.

Sometimes when I'm stressed and my blood sugar drops, I get really really cunty but don't know it. Until this happens:

I have my own office at a client's and I'm there 2 days a week. This was one of those days.

(phone rings)Me: Hello?

Client: Hi it's Shelley. When are you going out to Ajax next? Can you fix Julie's wireless connection on her laptop when you're out there?

(This woman's laptop is not very good. A couple of weeks ago I spent 3 hours trying to get the wireless card working. That included installing Windows XP service pack 2, which works much better with wireless connections. , but didn't help much. It was an exercise in frustration. Not to mention the wireless card had to be in the slot in a certain way or it wouldn't work. You couldn't touch it at all or the connection would break.)

Me: Let me tell you something. Julie's laptop is a complete piece of shit and she'd be lucky if it worked for her 50% of the time.

Client: Oh my God! Why would you say that! Julie's right here in my office, you're on speakerphone!

At that point I had to back pedal and Shelley tried to smooth things over. After I hung up the phone I realized that I'd just had a stressed-out-low-blood-sugar diva moment. I quickly ran out, ate some food and came back.

Thankfully I ran into the 2 of them in the hallway. I apologized to Julie, but did reiterate that although her computer wasn't the best in the world, it wasn't a complete piece of shit (even if it actually was). They both laughed it off and took it in stride.

Sometimes a little warning about being on speakerphone would be very, very helpful. I also know better than to eat chocolate in the morning. It always throws my sugars way off kilter. But what else am I supposed to do when I get hershey's kisses first thing in the morning??? Not eat them??