Friday, February 24, 2006


The offer goes in on the house today and I'm getting nervous. Beginning to wonder if it's too small, but then I think of our plans to dig out and finish the basement and that makes me feel better. Then I wonder when that will actually happen? Are we going to have to downsize even more to fit into this place?? Q has huge bedroom furniture and I don't know where we will put it all. My bed suits the exact style of this place and I'd like to have it as the master instead. Consequently Q's furniture would have to go into storage (aka my sister's house) where my bed is now. Is that wrong? Should I feel guilty? He spent a lot of money on his set, but I spent a lot on my bed too. The frame alone is worth $3600, but I got it half off cuz it was a floor model. I don't pay full price for anything. But I digress, all those problems can be resolved - if we actually get the place.

I thought this morning that I would go to the gym to work off some of the stress. I got there, went into the change room and discovered that I'd left my shorts at home. Fuck. No workout today. So I came home and bought tickets to see BodyWorlds instead. This is the last weekend and tickets are almost all gone. Consequently they are running the show 24/7 starting tonight. I was only able to get tickets for Saturday night at 12:30 am, which is fitting I guess for seeing dead people.


2:28pm: Ugh. It's only 2:28pm. Haven't heard from my agent about any other offers, so that's good news so far. Can this day go by any slower????