Thursday, February 23, 2006

Polish Movie Posters

Taken from Retrocrush:

"While most movie posters in the United States pretty much showcase the standard corporate style imagery to hawk the film, the fine folks in Poland have a brilliant dramatic license when marketing Hollywood's finest in their country, resulting in some of the most brilliantly surreal and amazing pieces of movie artwork ever created. Some of them are obvious, some seem to be crazy nonsequiters that have nothing to do with the original picture, while others seem to change the focus of the movie altogether. "

These are absolutely brilliant and wonderfully odd. Check out the poster for Weekend At Bernie's. How creepy is that? Does not look like a comedy. The one for Romancing the Stone is even weirder. They made it look like a Friday the 13th poster.

You can see more here, and if you want to see even more and buy them, go to

Silly Polaks.