Friday, July 21, 2006

Left in the dark

No lamp for me. I couldn't decide whether I really wanted it or not, and then I got stuck in traffic on the way home, so the auction closed. I figure that if I wanted it that badly, I'd have bid on it already. No aliens in the basement for me.

Speaking of traffic, it was hell yesterday. I made my way home from Burlington at the end of the day, and it usually takes under an hour. It ended up taking two. It took me 120 minutes to go 70 kilometers. I left at 4:45 and got home around 7:00. Absolute hell - I don't know how people do it day after day.

Howard decided to get into my box of Raisin Bran Bars the other day and eat half of one. Then he ran over to the only area rug in the entire house and puked on it. I should be thankful it wasn't explosive diarreha. You know, any time either of the cats has a hairball, they immediately run to the carpet under the dining room table to cough it up. Bastards.

I finished another piece of art this week. I was asked to do a portrait of someone for a birthday present. I love how it turned out and so did my client. Yay! My first commissioned artwork! It's 18 x 26, printed on canvas and streched onto a frame.

I want Friday to be over already.