My Left Foot
Last night I laid in bed thinking about all the great things I was going to write in my blog today. Now I can't remember a single one. My mind is a blank as Farrah Fawcet's. Speaking of which, I finally got to watch the end of Logan's Run. Wow. Firecrackers everywhere! Too bad Farrah had to die. I can't explain exactly how it's possible to be bad at acting dead, but somehow she managed to pull that off.
On another note, here's one of my idiosyncrasies - I always put my socks and shoes on starting with my right foot. Sock on right foot, then sock on left foot. Shoe on right foot, then shoe on left foot. Tie up laces on right foot, then tie up laces on left foot. I always do it without fail. Sometimes I'll start tying the laces on my left shoe and I'll catch myself. At that point I stop and switch over to the other foot, then go back to my left.
I just noticed a few months ago that I did this. I have no idea where it came from or why. It's almost like it's bad luck to start with the left foot first. Weird.