Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Can somebody please tell me where my brain went?

Again I had a fantastic idea for my blog this morning. I was even chuckling to myself in my car on the way to work. Now it's gone - again. Dammit!

I need a vacation. This whole house/reno/$$$/work thing has gotten me completely stressed out. I almost hit my breaking point last week. I can't remember anything anymore.

On another note, I've devised a new audio system for my house. My computer currently sits in the basement, and has all my music on it. I have an Airport Express upstairs which is used to stream the music wirelessly from iTunes to my stereo. The only catch is I either have to be at my PC to pick the songs, or I can fire up the laptop and choose them from there. Sounds pretty good, but I just got it one step better. I found a program called Netremote that you can run on a Pocket PC PDA that lets you controls iTunes. So now I'm scouring ebay looking for an iPaq or Dell Axim PDA with wifi so that I can put Netremote on it and have instant access to my music collection from anywhere in the house. Because the Airport is small and portable, I can take it outside with me if I want and plug it into a stereo out there.

I love technology.

Update: I got the goods from ebay! Did I mention that the software allows you to program it as a remote too? Hopefully I can get rid of the 4 remotes that are currently spread across the coffee table.

Stay tuned for updates in a couple of weeks detailing how convoluted the whole thing is, how much of a pain in the ass it is to set up, and how it doesn't work as it should.