Tuesday, August 29, 2006

It's still morning, isn't it.

You just know it's going to be a shitty day when you're in a bad mood and trying to pry open this stupid 9 pin serial connector from the 80's and the screwdriver slips and takes a rather large, triangular chunk out of your thumb. Then you look down and think "This looks like it should hurt a lot more than it does." Can't wait for the infection.

On a brighter note, Q went to the St Lawrence Market on Saturday and came home with loads of goodies. As he was unpacking the bags, he held up fresh lasagna noodles and proclaimed "You're making me lasagna bitch!!" Since he had to work late last night, I stopped by the grocery store and picked up everything else I needed to make a tomato, cucumber, red onion and feta salad followed by the aforementioned lasagna. I had a lot of fun making it, Howard had a lot of fun eating all of the cheese bits that fell onto the floor, and Q was pleasantly surprised to find dinner waiting for him when he got home. We ended up having a nice, romantic dinner by candlelight. Have to make a point of doing that more often.