Thursday, August 03, 2006

Fault in the system

According to this news story, if you are convicted in the state of Ohio of having sex with a child under the age of 13, it carries a mandatory life sentence.

Why don't we have that here? Why isn't that law everywhere? Then men like Peter Whitmore, who have had numerous convictions over the span of a decade or more, wouldn't be able to walk the streets and wouldn't have access to children.

Unless you've been through it yourself, or know someone who has, you can't even begin to imagine the horrors and scars it leaves. I was reading the other day that we now classify pedophilia as a sexual preference, and not as a disease, so therefore there is no cure. While in some ways I believe this to be true, there is something else there too. Pedophiles are very cunning, kniving and maniplative and go to great, detailed lengths to ensnare, groom, massage and get the trust of their innocent victims. Usually seeking out those who have a troubled homelife and are seeking some sort of guidance and/or father figure. It's sick. It's not an impulse, like having a one night stand. It's more often than not, a calculated, cruel plan to get what they want - and to keep getting it.

Our legal system doesn't recognize this, and truly doesn't understand the impact it has on the victims for the rest of their lives. Especially when people get enough courage to tell their stories as adults. I hold our justice system accountable for this recent case of abduction. If they were to treat monsters such as Peter Whitmore like the threat to society that they really are (and who's a larger threat than someone who prey's on children?) then this simply would never have happened. I can't blame the parents. This man knew exactly what he was doing and they fell blindly into his trap.