Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Another day. Another case of the blahs. I need a vacation bad. I always use all my vacation every year and this year I haven't taken any yet. Burnt. Out.

Saturday we're going back to Port Hope for my friend Shannon's parent's annual long weekend field party. It will be a back-to-my-roots kind of day and should be a lot of fun. Q and I spend the whole time laughing at all the hicks. Last year one guy arrived in his pickup truck with a beer in hand, one in his shirt pocket, and others in his coat. Never mind the 2-4 in the cab beside him. Someone else brought their dog named Molson (for those who don't know, that's a brewing company here in Canada).

The first year they had it was for Shannon's Jack and Jill - I mean Buck and Doe (as they like to call it). There was a raffle at one point and someone, in their drunken stupor, dropped their ticket and it flew into the bonfire - so he walked in to get it. The following was heard:

Wife: What the hell are you doin' in the fire? Get out of there!

Drunken Husband: Shu'up bitch! I'm gettin' my ticket!

Which was later joined by someone screaming "Yell Bingo Mama!!" when raffle numbers were being called.

Ahh, good times. It's a lot of fun, everyone is nice and I've always been treated like part of the family, since I've been friends with Shannon ever since Kindergarten - and they all absolutely adore Q. Can't wait.

Can't forget my 2-4!