Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Long weekend. Long Post

Had a spectacularly uneventful, but pleasant long weekend. Watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and yes, it's as good as everyone says. Val Kilmer hasn't aged well.

Went out to the country on Saturday afternoon and visited my sister and her kids. They recently got a cat and her 2 kittens and my niece has been dying for me to come down to see them. So cute. So adorably cute. They're just tiny little things, and they don't mind being mauled by children. The mother cat is even protective of niece and nephew. If she hears either of them cry, she's runs right up to them and makes sure that they're ok.

I love going out to visit them. My sister and her husband are very kind, caring people. I look at their kids, knowing that they are growing up in a safe, stable home in the country and that they'll never truly realize just how lucky and fortunate they are. It makes me very happy.

Sunday morning my parents came up to see the house. They hadn't seen it since before we moved in - which is to say it looks completely different. I got the approval and we headed out to the Wexford Restaurant in Scarborough for breakfast. This place has been in the same strip mall since 1958, and I don't think they've redecorated since 1970. I wish I was exaggerating, but I'm really not. Even the pictures on the menu have that disgusting 70's look - you know what I mean. Regardless of the decor, they have fantastic freshly squeezed orange juice and great greasy bacon and eggs. If you're ever at the corner of Warden and Lawrence (because it's just a fantastic place to be) be sure to stop by.

Afterwards we went up to visit Q's mother and help her make jam. That's right, I said make jam. Strawberry jam. Strawberry freezer jam to be exact. We went out to a farm, bought way too many strawberries and began the jamming process. It was surprisingly easy, given that it's a no cook recipe. In the end we ended up with over 50 jars of the goddamn stuff. You wouldn't think that making jam would be tiring, but after 3 solid hours of it, you get a little fatigued. It turned out really good. We also have 20+ jars of it at home. Guess what everyone's getting for Christmas.

I didn't mind helping Q's mom out for the afternoon. The woman's in her early 70's and even though she go go go's, it's hard for her to do a lot on her own. She's made so much food for us over the years too. She's also the first one to make chicken soup from scratch if you're sick. Plus we kept her company for the better part of a day while Q's dad is away on a trip. That was a feel good day.

Sunday was a day for us to do whatever we wanted - which meant go shopping. We ended up with curtains for the living room, and almost a new sofa from Urban Barn. I love that store. The couch was black leather, and had elongated cushion at one end, kind of like a built in chaise lounge. There was also a matching 4x4 ottoman decked out in black and white cow hide. Very kitschy, but very cool. It was also on sale. But we didn't' do it. Our current couch and chair is large and overstuffed - perfect for flopping on, sinking into and falling asleep in. This furniture was a lot more stiff - plus leather furniture and shorts (or underwear, or nothing at all) don't always mix well together. You either stick or you sliiiiiiide. Ooo - and I also got hit on too. This sales guy kept coming over to talk to me, and when we were leaving he gave me his card in case I was still interested in "that chair I was looking at." Uh huh. Love the attention though.

One other thing that I noticed about Urban Barn was the artwork. Some of the pieces that they had in there reminded me of my own. I asked Mr Chair Reminder where they purchased the artwork from and he said it was from an company called Art in Motion. I checked them out on the web and they're always looking for new artists. I think I'll submit some work and see what comes of it. My latest collection has yet to be shown anywhere, but if can get it out into stores, that would be even better. And fuck the gallery owners who shun artists who do work commercially. I'll take what I can get.