Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My Spidey Sense is Tingling

Yesterday I was at a client's and stepped out to use the washroom down the hall. When I was done I stood up, turned around and as I reached out to flush the toilet I saw a green spider about the size of a nickle crawling around on the seat. Actually it was kind of running around in circles because I think I crushed a leg or two.

I'm glad I'm not terrified of spiders.

As I was walking out, wondering whether the damn thing had bit me or not, I started to feel a stinging on ass. Hoping it was all just a figment of my imagination I ignored it and continued on my work. About 15 min later it was clear that it wasn't in my head. The goddamn thing had bit me. On my ass.

So I spent the next few hours wondering if my leg would swell up, turn purple and fall off, or if I'd come down with some incurable disease due to the toxins in my system, or if I'd have to call Q and say I Love You one last time, before I perished from the unbelievably small amount of venom injected into my unbelievably not small ass. Secretly though, I hoped that I'd get some sort of super powers - though I'm not sure what kind of power one gets from a bathroom spider, or if I'd even want it.

In the end the bump went away and I was left relatively unscathed. I'm just going to make sure to look down first from this point on.