Friday, December 08, 2006

Was It Posted on Monster?

Same sex couples love
Canada lets me marry;
Harper didn't win.

The door has finally been closed on the same-sex marriage issue in Canada. I could go on and on about it - and I planned to, but much like the government debate, the issue is over. Needless to say we can now move onto topics like India's men having penis' that are too small to fit into the current internationally defined size. Someone actually measured the length and width, and photographed over 1400 hard curry cocks to research the issue. Which left me wondering - how did they found the test subjects in the first place? And can I get a job like that in Toronto? Only where I get to choose the men myself? Maybe someone needs to verify that we still fit into the standards, and that someone should be me.

Curry cock too small
Condoms fit like garbage bags;
Take my picture please.