Friday, January 12, 2007

My Evil Twin Brother

I received the following email in my inbox today:

Hey Jonathan

We share the same name. We also share an artistic interest with regards to action figures from our youth. I have to admit that I am not hugely impressed with your work (don't take it personally) but it is pretty bland.

You seem to be getting to exhibit it though so someone must like it (god knows who).

I have some (better) photographs that I took of certain of my favourite action figures around about 2 years ago now which I am going to send you.

Perhaps they will inspire you to produce something a bit more exciting?

Expect to see them soon, they are not in digital format so I will have to work out whether I scan them or get them converted....I don't currently know.


Your namesake, Jonathan Barrie

You know, I can take criticism. In fact I even welcome it. It makes one rethink and potentially improve one's work. However there is this thing called tact, of which he is sorely lacking. Art is all in the eye of the beholder, but I fail to see how this could be considered bland. The other collection was my very first one. Is it a little bland? Maybe. But it was also a starting point. Not to mention my work has a very different feel when printed, as opposed to when viewing it on a monitor.

You know what would have been better? Saying something along the lines of "I do the same subject matter as you and I feel that your work could use a little something extra. Here are some examples of my work. Maybe it will give you some ideas." It's essentially the same message, but minus the elitism. I don't take away the fact that his work could be good, but man, why so negative?

I'm still intrigued however.