That's what the headline for this story was on the Drudge Report. I don't see what all the fuss is about. Sounded pretty hot to me.
You make me touch your hands for stupid reasons.
That's what the headline for this story was on the Drudge Report. I don't see what all the fuss is about. Sounded pretty hot to me.
Brought to you by
4:05 PM
I'm not sure which piece to send in for the competition. This one, or the other posted the other day. Any suggestions?
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1:04 PM
I got an Epson 2200 printer last week. It's one of those semi-professional models that print wide prints and have archival ink. I figured that since my 820 was dying, it would be worth replacing it with something a little better, since I want to delve further into the art world.
I would just like to say that the prints are amazing. Beautiful, accurate colours with a variety of papers available.
Unfortunately, it's expensive. The printer cost just over $850.00 with tax and I soon realized that it didn't work well with the plethora of Epson paper I already had for the 820. You see, the 2200 requires premium paper. I tried the everyday glossy photo paper, and it just didn't stand up. Since I am entering a photo competition/fundraiser I had to bite the bullet and get some of the premium 11x17 paper.
The company I work for is a reseller, so I can order things at cost (like the printer). turns out the 11x17 paper comes in a 20 pack for $40.00 ($60.00 MSRP). Fine, but when I place the order there's a problem. The single pack of 20 is only available to Epson Authorized Resellers, of which we are not. However, I can buy the double pack of 20 for $77 - you don't need to be authorized for that. I don't get it and neither did my distributor.
So I said yes to that and resigned myself to having my pockets continually bleed (even with my discount) due to this wonderful piece of equipment, and as an artist, I will never recoup the amount of $$$ I throw into my work. I have sold some pieces, but of course it didn't come close to covering the cost of putting a show together.
I know that I'm not alone, and that I shouldn't be in it for the money, which I'm not. I love pouring hours over something to watch it break forth. It's also great therapy.
But it would just be nice, you know?
Brought to you by
10:55 AM
I remember fondly when you moved in across the street in the summer of 2003. The girl I had been waiting for. Instantly, we started a torrid affair. I came to visit you a couple of times a week and it was wonderful.
But then reality set in. I knew too much of you was bad for me, so I cut back on my visits. Then, last fall I decided that I needed a break and cut you out of my life forever.
It wasn't until the end of december that I walked past your door, reminicing about old times. It was then that I saw my prayers had been answered. You had changed, even though I had always thought that you were too set in your ways. I liked variety, and now you had it! I could now enjoy a healthier you.
Well I should have known that bad habits die hard. After the initial excitement had worn off, I started craving the Wendy I had always known and loved. When those sinfully salty sticks hit my lips, I knew I was in heaven.
Now my stomach hurts.
You are such a fucking bitch.
Brought to you by
1:40 PM
Last night was one of those nights when my brain went into overdrive. It happens far too often.
I dreamed that Q and I decided to go on a road trip. He kept antagonizing these bad guys who kept chasing after us. It involved a lot of car chases and running through streets. We were having a lot of fun doing it though. Five days later we ended up in a mall in JAPAN. I'm not sure how one drives to Japan, let alone in 5 days.
Then it somehow switched to me having sex with one of my best friends in high school. It was pretty satisfying, as I had thought about it in the past, but this was more graphic and dirty than anything I had ever fantasized about. Don't know what brought it on, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Yet again it morphed, and then the U.S. was at war with some itty bitty group of people and the Desparate Housewive's husbands had to go into service. Everyone was much older too. Bree's husband ended up getting killed, but was still a ghost walking around. The other 2 husbands were also hurt. Lynette's (that's the blond right?) husband kept wanting to wear this old woman's glasses, the kind with the cat eye shape, because one lense had a :) engraved in it and the other had a :( . He figured that if he wore them, he would see both a happy face and a sad one which would cancel each other out so he wouldn't feel anything anymore.
Then Bree wanted to go see the spot where her husband died, but I told her that it might be too dangerous so I should go check it out first. So I go to this green park where US soldiers are running around in white winter fatigues and shooting every person they find at least 50 times. For some reason I was dressed as one of the "bad guys" who I don't think were bad because I sympathized with them in some way, and laid down under a picnic table and played dead to ananlyze the scene.
I came back and told Bree that it was too dangerous, then suddenly this woman comes in to sell all the Wives some sort of crafty thing (don't remember what). None of them had any money because their husbands were injured/dead, so Bree offered to pay with a debit card and the woman got offended and walked out.
Somehow, somewhere all intertwined, something involved aliens too, but I just can't remember what. I'm sure there was more.
Finally Q woke me up. I need to see a therapist.
Brought to you by
9:50 AM
I've been working on this piece for days. It's name - Mirrorball. It was one of those frustrating things that I knew it was going somewhere, just didn't quite know where. Had to work at it bit by bit, as it slowly took shape. It's funny how some pieces just happen, while others sit there looking unfinished, like they have something to say and it's not until you really sit and listen that you get it.
As much as I like the piece, it's left me in a bit of a situation. I've slowly been putting pieces together for my new show and I thought that I had finished about 3/4 of it - until now. Tonight I printed all the finished work on a couple of contact sheets and it turns out that I have 2 others that are somewhat similar, and 4 others that aren't. I like these 3 much better. Now I have to sit down and redo the other 4, plus rethink the 3 or so that are left in my head. I even had all the adverts and everything planned out. Now those have to be redone too.
Goddamnit, that's what I get for being a Gemini. You would think that 2 people living in one head would have the common courtesy to talk every once in a while. You know, exchange ideas, keep each other up to date, that kind of thing?
One of these day's I'll teach those twins a lesson.
Hmmm... the colour's a bit off. It should be blue, not the purplish tinge it seems to have taken.
Brought to you by
9:02 PM
Well, that's over. I called the ex after work and told him that I would stop by shortly and that he could meet me downstairs. He sounded a little disappointed, like he was hoping that we would have a nice visit or something. He quickly realized that that wasn't going to happen.
Anyways, he met me downstairs, gave me my stuff back, said thanks and left. I looked at the sweater which I used to love so much. I almost didn't want it back now. Well, I'll wash it at least, and then decide.
It's funny how you can want something so much, but then when you get it, you realize it wasn't that special after all.
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6:12 PM
Are you tired of being singled out by all your friends because you can't tear up the dance floor?
Does Nordic Disco make you hot?
Well suffer no more! You too can learn how to Party Like It's 1979! By an old Scandanavian man who sounds like he's talking backwards.
It's true. I swear.
(It gets better about halfway through when the music starts)
Brought to you by
3:19 PM
I came across this on Retrocrush. It's an all 80's radio station for when you need the fix. It's available in Real, Window Media, and most importantly, iTunes.
They just played 3 Yaz songs in a row, including a remix of State Farm that I've never heard before.
Brought to you by
10:39 AM
Well, I'm going to see my ex tonight. Not the super psycho alchoholic abusive one, just the clingy one with the drug problem. Boy I sure do know how to pick them.
We broke up over a year ago in the spring, after six months of dating. He acted like it was the end of the world. We weren't even living together. You would think that someone 13 years older than you would have the maturity to handle something like that.
You'd think.
Thing is, he never did anything really wrong -other than be insecure, have no ambition and do a little too many party drugs. That's nothing compared to what I'm used to. What I am getting at is that I realized that it wasn't working for me. There was no single event or fight that brought it on. I simply realized that I was with the wrong man, and that I wanted Q all along. Boy did that go over well.
As such, I did want to maintain a friendship with him. He was fun to go out with, and to talk to. Unfortunately, after we broke up, he proceeded to call me 14 times a day for while. Of course I wouldn't answer the phone. Then he shows up at my door. I agreed to talk. I agreed to talk on numerous occasions. All in the hope that he could get over it and we could try building a friendship.
Well I soon realized that he just wanted to talk so that he could blame me for ruining his life and make me feel like shit. Over and over and over again. I eventually told him to fuck off, (it was Fall by this point) at which point he suddenly became sweet as pie cuz he knew he had gone too far.
So then back in December, I hear that he sat and badmouthed me for hours to someone I knew! How dumb is that? For christ's sake, I broke up with the guy 6 months before! People still tell me he's not over it.
Well after putting it off, like I always do, I finally decided to send an email telling him I wanted all the stuff back that I left in his apartment. All my power tools (he liked to build furniture and stuff) and my favourite Roots sweatshirt that he claimed he didn't have. I know he has it because we moved recently, and it wasn't anywhere to be found when packing. (anyways Q bought me a new one, and now it's my favourite - so there :P )
It took him a few days to respond, and we agreed tonight after work. I'm just going to tell him to meet me in the lobby. Neutral ground. No getting sucked into the vortex again.
Wish me luck.
Brought to you by
9:14 AM
So one day it's lunch time, and I decide to go to Wendy's for a burger. I go into the office building and down a level to the food court. As I am approaching Wendy's, I see a cute guy and check him out. He checks me out back. Turns out he looked better from afar. Anyways, I realize I have to pee and figure it's better to get that over with before getting in a line.
Big Mistake.
I had inadvertantly done the I-think-you're-hot-and-now-I-am-going-to-the-bathhroom-so-you-can-follow-me-in-and-we-can-fool-around move. (For those of you who don't know, this is a common move for the married businessman in the food courts of downtown T.O. who needs that little extra man to man action.)
I realize this as I am walking and he's following me. But I really really had to go. It didn't help that the washrooms were down the hall, under the stairs, behind the elevator and around the corner either.
So I go in and stand at the urinal, hoping to god I start peeing soon because I get pee shy. Sure enough he walks in like a minute later (just enough time). He stands at the urinal after I'm done and I start to wash my hands. I look over and sure enough I see the arm moving back and forth.
Well, there was no one else in there. So I made my way over, stood there for a bit just to make him think he was going to get some action, and then looked over to see his cock. Then I turned around and left without saying a word.
It really wasn't anything worth looking at.
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1:52 PM
So I got my green tea and bagel this morning. It was perfect.
I'd like to give a shout out to all those who have been so supportive in this matter.
Thank you.
Brought to you by
9:42 AM
I'm a procrastinator. I always put off doing things for no reason.
I have things to do at work, with so much time to do them, but I don't. Only when it comes down to the wire. I can't figure it out. In school I was the exact same way. Though there is a point where if there is a little pressure, it makes me do a better job. Usually this isn't the case though.
It's so much less stressful getting things done ahead of time. Less stress, less worry and more time to work on other things. Maybe I like the stress? I don't know. I do know that I feel better once a task is done, so there is no reason not to do it ahead of time.
I did get my Christmas shopping done early this year, but that was thanks to K. She's great to go shopping with, though she has expensive tastes like me, and convinces me to buy things that I usually would try to restrain from. Dangerous but fun.
I was going to add something else, but maybe I'll put it in the next post.
Brought to you by
6:26 PM
So I go into Tim Horton's and order an Everything Bagel, double toasted, with butter. Like I do every freaking day.
What I got was a bagel toasted once (so it's just warm), with a slab of butter on one side and the other dry piece placed on top. There's nothing I love more than butter transfer. Mmmmmm
I get bitchy when I'm hungry.
Brought to you by
4:47 PM
Ok, so I'm warped. I love teen girl squad.
Just had to say it. Out loud. So that I can be heard.
If the technology would have existed while I was in school, I would have done the exact same thing. In fact I did, but with He Man, barbie and a video camera.
Go on. Check it out. You know you want to.
Sooooo Gooood!
Brought to you by
9:56 AM
Q and I met up with Dickeybird for food before Scissor Sisters. We joked incessantly about his run in with the Nazi bitch. Dickey, being the bitch that he is, made a comment about a cycle that I have with wanting to hang out with him the most when things weren't going well with the current psycho I was dating. Well, I can't say it's not true.
However, in my defense, I've always dated controlling and jealous retards who made it difficult for me to get out and see my friends alone. Doing silly naughty things with Dickey just made life that much better. Plus I knew that I could always count on him to not be judgemental, as I don't judge all the weird - yet always funny - things he does.
Now that I'm not with a schizo, I still see him a lot. But like I said last night, I didn't see you picking up the phone bitch. :>
Anyways Scissor Sisters was amazing last night. They put on a great show. I think that even if you didn't like the music it would have been enjoyable. Unfortunately K couldn't make it, so I had to sell her ticket to the hungry vultures wating outside.
The crowd was really interesting. I didn't know what to expect, but didn't' expect the people that were there, if that makes any sense. It was definitely an "older" crowd (ie not many late teens/early twenties). Most people looked around 30 or older. Some very yummy men too! Q and I were eyeing up one of the roadies inbetween sets. He could plug his cable into me any day.
On the filthy side, why is it that the only greasy haired, smelly man in the club always ended up near us? No matter where we were, he'd be somewhere around. I think he had it in for Dickeybird. Nazi bitch.
Brought to you by
9:04 AM
Q and I were cleaning the apartment over the weekend. We just moved in a few months ago and still don't have everything put away. Since it's a crappy job we both hate doing, I decided to throw on the Emo Phillips CD which I had come across.
The first thing that came out was:
"My brother says hello......... Horray for speech therapy."
I haven't laughed that hard in long time. Made the time pass much quicker. Highly recommended.
Going to see Scissor Sisters with Dickeybird tonight! Yeah! Hopefully it will make up for his terrible morning.
In closing, I will paraphrase the great Emo and leave you with the last words my grandfather ever said to me:
A Truck!
Brought to you by
11:26 AM
I don't like to go out anymore. Bars bore me and clubs play shit circuit music that I don't like. A club isn't fun if it requires some sort of enhancement to make you have a good time.
I've been going to the same bars for 10 years now, and I kind of find it depressing to go and see the same people over and over again. What's worse is when I go and don't recognize a single person.
I think what I am suffering from is a case of growing up. I don't want accquaintances who promise that they'll call me when I pass them by on the street. I want true friends. I prefer to surround myself with a small number of people who I can trust, can rely on, and who add something positive to my life.
I went through a period when I had lots of "friends" who I partied with. They were great on weekends, but did I ever call any of them up when I felt blue, or had some serious problems, or did they ever call unless there was an event to go to? No.
True friends are few and far between. I've weeded out a lot of people in the past couple of years and what I am left with is a small group of individuals who have seen me at my best, and most importantly at my worst. They call me when they feel blue, I call them if I have a problem, but most of the time we just hang out and have fun. I turst them completely and would do anything to help them, and I know they'd do the same.
Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy going out for a drink. But I'd rather go somewhere and sit down around a table, laugh and shoot the shit. It beats standing around and getting your drink spilt all over your shirt because you keep getting bumped. Bumped by the same person who's been running into your elbow for the past 10 years.
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10:14 PM
I bought DVDs from ebay.
I spent alot of money on these DVDs.
In fact these are the most rarest of rare DVDs in North America.
You see, ladies and gentlemen, last July I bought the entire Ally McBeal series on DVD. These are available overseas, but will never be here due to music licensing issues (or so I've been told). The items I got my hands are promotional copies sent to TV studios and such. They look authentic enough, not too flasy and have for promotional use only stamped on each and every one of them.
I guess I should really start by explaining that these weren't for me. My boyfriend had asked me to scour the internet looking for them because he loved the show. Well, given all the free time I have at work these days, I found them. Then the problems started.
After over a month waiting for the damn things, the seller tells me that they must have gotten stopped at the border. She said she would send new ones and write that they were a gift for her cousin or something on the customs forms.
Anyways, they finally arrived. Five lovely boxes with 4 DVDs in each. Let me rephrase that - 4 DVDs, some of which had popped out of the holder so that they slid around inside the case and got scratched all to hell. I decided to pop them in the player and try them anyways. They still seemed to work, so I thanked very much and went on my way.
We watched Season 1 with no problems, and didn't get to the other ones because we were moving. Close to Xmas, a friend of mine asked if he could borrow the season with Robert Downey Junior cuz his girlfriend loved the show. No problem. They watched it and the disks worked fine. Then he asked if I could make a copy of the series for him. No problem, I said, and duplicated season 1 (love the DVD burner).
Then he asks for season 2. No problem, I say. I was mistaken. There were BIG problems. Corrupted disks problems. Every disk I tried to copy would crap out due to read errors. I then atttempted to play them and discovered that certain episodes were unwatchable. Even on the disks with no scratches.
So I decide to email Ms and see if she could send some replacement disks or something. She wasn't there. She had packed up her bags and left that good for nothing AOL of hers - and deleted her ebay profile as well.
Well, after realizing that I was royally screwed, I scoured the internet for data recovery software. I found 3 - IsoBuster, CDRoller, and BadCopy Pro and used them all in combination. After a lot of frustration and long hours (Season 2 Disc 4 took over 10 hours to recover) I managed to get every disc ripped and reburned properly.
So with a smug face, I attempted season 3.
I've been working on Disc 4 for 2 days. It's scratched and gouged. I left CDRoller working on it overnight and it had moved from 29% to 31% in around 8 hours. I really think I'm going to burn out my DVD laser. The prognosis is not looking too good.
ebay buyers beware.
And to, if you ever read this - screw you. I want my money back.
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12:05 AM