Friday, January 21, 2005

Ex marks the spot

Well, I'm going to see my ex tonight. Not the super psycho alchoholic abusive one, just the clingy one with the drug problem. Boy I sure do know how to pick them.

We broke up over a year ago in the spring, after six months of dating. He acted like it was the end of the world. We weren't even living together. You would think that someone 13 years older than you would have the maturity to handle something like that.

You'd think.

Thing is, he never did anything really wrong -other than be insecure, have no ambition and do a little too many party drugs. That's nothing compared to what I'm used to. What I am getting at is that I realized that it wasn't working for me. There was no single event or fight that brought it on. I simply realized that I was with the wrong man, and that I wanted Q all along. Boy did that go over well.

As such, I did want to maintain a friendship with him. He was fun to go out with, and to talk to. Unfortunately, after we broke up, he proceeded to call me 14 times a day for while. Of course I wouldn't answer the phone. Then he shows up at my door. I agreed to talk. I agreed to talk on numerous occasions. All in the hope that he could get over it and we could try building a friendship.

Well I soon realized that he just wanted to talk so that he could blame me for ruining his life and make me feel like shit. Over and over and over again. I eventually told him to fuck off, (it was Fall by this point) at which point he suddenly became sweet as pie cuz he knew he had gone too far.

So then back in December, I hear that he sat and badmouthed me for hours to someone I knew! How dumb is that? For christ's sake, I broke up with the guy 6 months before! People still tell me he's not over it.

Well after putting it off, like I always do, I finally decided to send an email telling him I wanted all the stuff back that I left in his apartment. All my power tools (he liked to build furniture and stuff) and my favourite Roots sweatshirt that he claimed he didn't have. I know he has it because we moved recently, and it wasn't anywhere to be found when packing. (anyways Q bought me a new one, and now it's my favourite - so there :P )

It took him a few days to respond, and we agreed tonight after work. I'm just going to tell him to meet me in the lobby. Neutral ground. No getting sucked into the vortex again.

Wish me luck.