Monday, September 11, 2006


Saturday night I was up late, flipping through the channels and was in the mood for something trashy and mind numbing, so I stopped on Cheaters. As trashy as it is, if my man were cheatin' on me, I'd love nothing more than to bust his sorry ass and embarrass him on national television. But wow, what trash and what a sleazy host. Seems like the type to do a couple of lines just before taping and during each commercial break. I wonder how many vulnerable women he's taken advantage of after the camera stops rolling? I can just see it, the wife's crying on his shoulder and he's all like "Don't worry baby, it's all right." Then he puts his arms around her, slowly sliding them down farther and farther, all the while coaxing her into his trailer so they can have some "privacy." You can't tell me it hasn't happened.

As if the show wasn't trashy enough, the commercials were just as bad - "Got bad credit?", "Get a reverse mortgage!", "Have you been hit by a car? Do you think you might be in the future? You need a lawyer!!", "There's a class action lawsuit going on. You could be eligible!", "Get a Bowflex for only 9.99 a month! (though they don't say how many months)". But the absolute worst were the constantly repeating ads for Ashley Madison. In case you haven't heard, it's a "discreet" dating site for people already in relationships who are "looking for a little something more in their lives."

To put this in perpesctive, I was watching a show where they hunt down and bust cheating spouses and in between segments, show commercials for a dating service for people looking for someone to cheat with. Gotta love TV.