Monday, September 25, 2006


On Saturday I dragged Q back home for a first birthday party for Matthew, my cousin Jenny's baby. I went to high school with her husband, and he had invited a few of his friends who still live in the Port Hope / Cobourg area to the party. I last saw these people in 1995, and they hadn't changed at all!! I swear they were plucked out of that decade and plopped into the present. Gerry was still wearing a sweatshirt, jeans that were frayed at the bottom and sandals. Jason was still in his striped polo shirt.

I don't get it. How can 10 years go by and a person look exactly the same? It must be what happens when you never leave a small town. Neither of them recognized me (thankfully), until we started into a conversation. I swear I'd have a fit if someone said I hadn't changed a bit in over a decade. I'd probably run home screaming and shave my head or something.