Pass the Popcorn
Today I voted for Toronto's mayor and other municipal positions. I have to confess - I had no idea who any of the local councilors were (and didn't really care). On my way to the voting office I saw a sign that said Re-Elect Somebody SomethingOrOther for Ward 32. Sounded good to me. She got in once, can't be all that bad., so I selected her. When I got to the next box to vote for the school trustee, I chose the nicest sounding name. What the hell else was I supposed to do?
Then it was time for the most important vote - Mayor. There are a number of people running in Toronto, but only 3 are in the top contenders:
1. David Miller, our current mayor. He stopped the bridge to the island airport, which I supported, but he's putting a streetcar right-of-way on St. Clair, which I don't support. I work up there and trust me, the construction's a nightmare. He also had CCTV cameras installed downtown which proved successful with the Caribana festival. No one was shot for the first time ever. At least he gets things done.
2. Jane Pitfield, miss pointy pointy fingers. She seems kind of fake, and bitchy. Her campaign promises aren't anything special and she points all the time with her bony, witchy finger which I find bothersome.
3. Stephen LeDrew, aka Orville Redenbacher. A big part of politics is style and presentation. Wearing oversized, clear, plastic framed glasses (although recently he's switched to Sally Jesse Rafael Red), a nerdy bow tie, and having eyebrows longer than an 80 year old man's pubes just doesn't cut it. Would you want to see that face repeatedly on TV any more than we've been subject to? Please somebody attack his face with a pair of clippers.So I voted Miller back in. I've seen the city change since he's been in and I'll give him another chance to make more things happen.
Do everyone a favour - get out there and vote. We're privileged enough to be afforded the opportunity and there's no reason why someone can't take a few minutes out of their day to exercise the right they've been given. Even your employer must give you a maximum of 3 hours to do it, so there's no excuse. DO IT!