Monday, November 06, 2006

Thank god that's over

Well that's over with. It went better than expected. I sat down and told them everything that I said I would. The reaction wasn't all over dramatic like I'd expected (and rehearsed in my mind). I basically sat and told them to listen to what I had to say and then we could talk. and they did.

My parents were under the illusion that my life was perfect, that everything it it was peachy keen and that nothing bad ever happened to me. It didn't even occur to them that anything like that could happen. Talk about a reality check.

In all it ended on a good note. I feel better but I also feel very strange. I've kept myself so guarded from them for so long that it feels foreign to have let them into my life. I also don't know what to do from here. Until this point I always had a plan. My secret weapon was "if they only knew what my life was really like." And now they know. I followed through and don't know what to do from this point on. One day at a time I guess.

I'm tired and going to bed. Hopefully this will be much clearer in the morning.

Thanks for all the support.