Thursday, March 17, 2005

Hair Pie!!

One of my favourite movies of all time was on last night. I don't even know how many times I've watched Revenge of the Nerds in my life. For some reason my parents saw fit to let me watch the movie, even though I was only 9 or 10 by the time it got out on video (bless them). Then it was on TV and we taped it and watched it over and over again. I swear, the musical number at the end sums up the early 80's music scene in just a few short minutes. I love it.

Speaking of hair pie, I stumbled across Rosie O'Donnell's blog yesterday. It's a bit weird, and she doesn't seem like a very happy person. Though I found the number of obsure Erasure references thoroughout the blog and her site a little facinating. Wow, I have something in common with Rosie. I also know someone who knows her and Kelly quite well. It feels a little odd to be one person removed from a celebrity because you want to ask them to invite you to some fabulous party so you can meet them (knowing full well that it would just never happen). Not that I'm in love with Rosie, just curious.
What's even stranger though, is some of the comments. Fans are fucking weird.

And continuing on the hair theme, I shaved off all my facial hair last night for the first time in about 4 years. I always have a goatee, and throughout the winter I typically grow a beard. I've been bummed out recently, and needed to do a little cleansing in the spirit of spring. I think I shaved about 5 years off my face. I used to look like I was in my 30's, but now I look late 20's again. Never noticed how red my lips were either.

When Q walked in the door after work, he was a little shocked, stepped back out into the hallway and checked the apt # to be sure he had the right place. Kinda freaked him out a little since he's never seen my face naked before.

I don't think Ill keep it naked though. I hate shaving my upper lip (always take off some skin somewhere) and this morning my chin got cold when I went to get my tea. I'm too delicate to have a cold chin.

Oh and Happy St Patrick's Day. A word of advice - don't go to McDonalds and ask for a Shamrock shake. When the barely english speaking person behind the counter doesn't understand you and you try to tell them "It's like a milkshake, but it's green!!" you'll get looked at like the crazy person you truly are.