Thursday, September 08, 2005

Dessert Anyone?

Last night I had a dream that Q and I were looking for a french restaurant. I came upon one on a patio somewhere, and thinking that it was what we were looking for, sat down to order. We were looking at the menu, when I realized that it was the wrong place, but before I could say anything, the waitress came over with huge platters of food.

My plate consisted of a huge slab of raw steak, about 4 inches thick, some over-grilled chicken and a large breaded pork chop. I kept wanting to tell the waitress that we needed to leave because we were in the wrong restaurant, but she would look so upset when I began telling her that I'd just stop. Then more raw steak would appear. I was also speaking to her in french, which I don't often do in dreams anymore. Not since finishing school anyways (french immersion). At one point she came over because she wanted me try a french delicacy - Horse Snout, which is promptly placed in front of me.

It was half a horse's head. The bottom jaw had been removed along with everything in line with it so it sat perfectly flat - kind of like how an alligator looks when it's head is resting slightly above water. But it wasn't a real horse's head. It looked like it had been sculpted out of cement and was cartoony with these big, googly eyes. On the nose there was a hollowed out spot where this bright blue jello-looking stuff had been scooped into. I guess that was the "snout" that you were supposed to eat. And to top it all off, the entire thing was encased in a huge cube of clear gelatin.

I woke up shortly after that.

Sometimes I'm very happy to wake up in the morning.