Thursday, September 15, 2005

Goddamn Fags

I went to an art opening on Church St tonight. I hate Church St. I hate the gay scene. Everyone is so unbelievably fake. People only smile and say hi to you because you're in front of their face. Then they're quick to dismiss you and go on their cunty way.

When you're in the scene and seeing the same people all the time, you have all sorts of friends. When you drop out and go on to do something with your life then come back to visit, you're almost shunned. It's pathetic.

And if one more fag walks behind my car as I am backing into a parking spot, I'm just gonna floor it. Seriously. And that goes for the bitches on bicycles who come zooming out of nowhere beside my car as I am pulling out of said spot. I swear I almost took this guy out. There was maybe 2 feet between me and the car beside me, who was letting me in. I pressed on the gas and suddenly he was right there between the cars. He may not know it, but he was a couple of inches away from flying like Superman.

Goddamn fags.