Thursday, February 17, 2005

Moses would be proud.

So I'm at Subway for lunch, wanting a sandwich really bad, but settling for a salad instead. I notice that there is this cute Jewish guy in front of me and begin to wonder if those Yamakas act like a cushion for when you're getting your ass pounded and your head keeps hitting the headboard. I then proceed to picture said activities with the aforementioned man until I realize that I'm having a sex fantasy in line for food at Subway. oops.

On a somewhat related note, our Government is now in the process of debating gay marriage. 4 years ago Paul Martin thought it was icky but now he tells us that butt blasting and clit climbing is the greatest thing since all those years he spent as an alterboy. Let's hope that he can convince enough people that the world won't end if I'm allowed to marry the one I love.