Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentine's Day Sucks

I've never been a big fan of V day. Seems like such a commotion for absolutely nothing. You are pressured into buying flowers, buying chocolates, buying dinner, buying a card etc etc. What ever happened to a simple I Love You - spoken out of the blue, with no warning, followed with a kiss? That would melt me any day.

I just hate feeling like I have to go out of my way on this certain day to show how much I love someone. I tell ya, if you don't know it already then there's a problem. Fortunately Q feels pretty much the same way as me. He ended up working into the evening. I made supper and we ate it. No candles, no wine, no flowers, no cards. Then we had a chat about our relationship - specifically I had a chat about something that was making me very unhappy. I feel better having gotten if off my chest, but I don't know if it is resolved, or at least on the way to being resolved. Time will tell.

You know, after thinking about it, I think that next year I'll just accept the fakeness of it all and have myself a Bree VanDeKamp Valentine's Day.

Maybe then I'll get laid at least.