Wednesday, April 12, 2006

All Systems Go

Had contractor number 1,947,274.95 come by the house today. He was hot. And he smelled real gooooood. He's got the job as far as I'm concerned - any kind of job. As long as he works with his shirt off. Maybe I'll crank the heat just to be sure.

I was impressed by things other than his looks and cologne. He had a lot of great ideas, and a great attention to detail. He pointed out little things to fix or change that I'd never have considered, but make a lot of sense, and will make a big difference - and they aren't costly. He also never said "You'll have to get someone else in to do (fill in the blank)". He took measurements. He wrote things down. Most importantly he will draw up a quote and sit down with us to go over it. You may think that this isn't anything to get excited over, but every single person we've had go through the house has been very non commital and wishy washy. I've also seen the work he's done for Q's sister and it's good. In fact he's currently redoing her basement. Looks like construction for us begins in 3 weeks.

Also had the flooring guy come in. He measured and will get back to us on a price. We'll be getting a maple floor with a dark walnut finish in 2 1/4" wide planks.

The gas company dropped by today too. We want to move the giant, grotesque gas meter from inside the basement to outside. Unfortunately the pipes are steele and old and can't be moved. We'll have to pay $1250.00 for Enbridge to run a new line to a meter outside and then into the house. Bastards. Of course we had to agree since there wasn't any other choice. That will happen in 3 weeks.

Thankfully the plan is now in motion and things are starting to come together. Stress levels are falling and I no longer feel like I want to kill kill kill kill. Plus we came up with 2 ideas that will make us even more happy. Originally we were going to put a 6' bay window on the west wall of our dining room. We decided instead to bring it all the way down to the floor, extending the room by 2 feet. That may not sound like much, but it's a small room to begin with. In the basement we are putting in a 3 piece and decided to make the shower 5x3 with a rain shower faucet in the ceiling and a handheld coming off the wall. Sweet. We wanted to put in multiple fittings so that water would shoot at you from all sides, but that's an extra $5000 that we'd rather not spend.

I know I know. Blah blah house blah house blah blah blah. David Hasselhoff and Finnish dancers are much more interesting. We will be returning to your regularly scheduled programming tomorrow.