Monday, April 24, 2006

Ex Marks the Spot

I was working downtown at a client's on Friday and decided to run over to Wendy's for a quick lunch. As I was walking up to the line, I saw hot guy sitting at a table out of the corner of my eye. I turned to take a better look, and what I saw was the same look of shock that had just appeared on my face. It was my ex, J.

He was the one I was with before hooking up with Q. In fact, the 3 of us used to go out a lot together. He didn't take it too well when I broke up with him, even though he saw it coming (just like everyone else). Out of all my ex boyfriends, he's the only one I don't hate. It just didn't work out. I fell in love with my best friend instead. I was also beginning to see some tendencies in J that were setting off alarm bells for me, so that was more incentive to get out while the gettin's good. I didn't want him out of my life, since I thought he was a great guy and a lot of fun. I tried to talk with him and come to some sort of level of understanding so that we could continue some sort of relationship, but he couldn't handle it. I just ended up getting shit on every time we had a conversation. He was acting like I had destroyed a 10 year marriage instead of a 6 month relationship. So I just stopped talking to him. Now I understand why I'd never tried the post-breakup friendship thing before.

So after almost 2 years of not speaking, there he was, right in front of me. We both said some pleasant hellos and I got into line. I was surprised that my first reaction wasn't to give him dirty looks, or say something bitchy, or ignore him or jump over the table and strangle him (which is the case for everyone else in his position). Instead, I actually gave him a heartfelt hello.

As I was standing in line, I realized that the next move was up to me. Do I turn and run? Do I get take out? Do I get my food and go to a table on the other side of the room? All those choices just meant that the next time we saw each other, it would be even more awkward. So I sucked it up, grabbed my tray, walked over to him and asked if he'd like some company for lunch. I sat down and we talked a little. It was nice enough, but he claimed that he was getting ready to leave and couldn't stay long. A little strange for someone who isn't working at the moment. So after less than 5 minutes he left.

I feel good about the whole thing though. At least now I don't feel like I have to be on J watch when I'm in a bar (just Psycho watch). I made my amends as far as I'm concerned. If he still feels uncomfortable, that's his problem. Not much else I can do about it.