Thursday, April 27, 2006

I can't really talk about it but...

Let me just say that our justice system sucks. As of yesterday I have no more faith in our legal process whatsiever. It's a system that favours the accused and victimizes the victims once again.

There's nothing more infuriating than watching a case wind its way through the courts for over seven years, be overseen by a biased, gutless, senile judge, make it's way to the highest court in Canada and back, only to be thrown out due to a technicality. Never mind if the accused was guilty or not, never mind that he caused suffering to numerous people, never mind that the victims are still suffering, he gets off because he "suffered" while waiting so long to go to trial. He's now free to re-offend.

In my perfect world, judges would not only be accountable for their actions, they would be liable. If a judge makes a gross error, which is recognized by his peers or higher, then he should be punished or disbarred. You would also be able to make a complaint against a judge, and actually have it go somewhere. The old boys club would be abolished.

To Judge X - you spineless, ball-less, biased, disgusting, senile old fart. FUCK YOU

To the Appeals Court - you're all a bunch of pussies.

To the Supreme Court of Canada - Shame on you for not having the guts to stand up to one of your own.

The only good thing out of all of this is that a precedent was set so that no one can ever pull the same bullshit as Judge X again and rule against the victim.