Thursday, April 20, 2006

Jungle Love

Q is somewhat of a joker. This past Christmas he decided it would be fun to get a special pair of underwear to wear to his work xmas party. He ended up buying this thong thing with a monkey's face on the front. If that wasn't bad enough it made a noise. If you gave it a little squeeze it would let out this loud, piercing monkey screech. Don't ask what he did with it at the party because I don't even want to know myself.

Afterwards we used it to terrorize the cats, who weren't too keen on monkey screams. Once we all got bored with it, it ended up hanging on the doorknob on our bedroom door. And that's where it stayed.

As you probably know, we're moving. We gave our notice at the end of March and the super has been showing our apartment ever since.

I only realized this morning that the monkey thong had been hanging there all along.