Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Death from above

We moved on Sunday.

This is freaking nuts. I'm living through a home renovation. I feel like there should be video cameras following me around and a designer should be having a hissy fit about how long everything is taking and how nothing's perfect. Actually, come to think of it, I could fill that role quite easily.

In reality it's not that bad. These guys are working as hard and fast as possible. It's also swelteringly hot and humid, hovering somewhere around 40 with the humidex. Of course our furnace is turned off and half the duct work disconnected so we have no A/C. We do have a window unit from the apartment, but there's no power in our bedroom right now. Also the other room is filled with boxes so we can't even get to the window there. Thankfully we have a ceiling fan at least.

Haven't had much time to watch my birthday present that I almost feel guilty for getting. Watched a few Pink Panther cartoons on DVD, but now we need a hi-def DVD player to take advantage of the higher resolution. Also didn't get cable hooked up until today. The Rogers guy was an idiot but managed to get things working anyways.

They're chopping a great big hole in the side of my house for the bay window right now and it's a little disconcerning. The window goes in tomorrow.

The cats are not terribly happy with the move. We locked them in the bathroom while we emptied the apartment. We let them out when we left for the house. Mabel ran around and around in circles meowing, looking for her stuff. Howard creeped out very unsure. When we came back to get them, they had retreated back to the bathroom, since nothing had been taken from there. Probably spent the entire day there.

Bringing them into the house was fun. We sat in the living room with them and let them explore. All was well until we took them upstairs. I had Howard and Q had Mabel. They were pretty calm until we walked into the bedroom and they saw the CEILING FAN. They freaked and freaked out some more. Q closed the door as they were trying to claw our eyes out, we dropped them and they ran back and forth from one end of the room to the other, finally settling in the corner of the closet. They didn't eat, drink, piss or shit until last night. Every time we brought them out, they stared up at the CEILING FAN in terror and began to shake. They'd sit in the closet and stare at the CEILING FAN in terror. We were finally able to coax them out with some tuna yesterday evening, which got there little digestive systems working. Howard eventually came out of hiding and crawled all around the bed while we tried to sleep last night.

It's freaking hilarious. A ceiling fan. A goddamn celing fan and they're petrified. Maybe they think it's a giant bird that going to swoop down and eat them. I don't know. They're currently locked in the bedroom, so they've got no choice but to get used to it.