First of all thanks to everyone for their birthday wishes. Had a great time celebrating with Dickey, Wifey and Phil on Saturday night at my favourite restaurant, Five Doors North (south of Yonge and Eglinton). Q and I always get treated well there, and this time was no different. I got a couple of free drinks and a plate of free desserts - including the flourless chocolate cake that is to die for. Started drinking at 8 and left the place around 12:00. Good food, good martinis and good friends made me one happy camper. It was a great way to break in the 3 - 0.
Today, on my official birthday, I'm at home packing. I found my shoebox of old pictures and decided I'd take a break to give you all an embarassing retrospective pictoral (does that even make sense?)
And this one's for Dan, since I know you're such a Savage Garden Fan. Years ago I was walking from from work and it just happened to be my birthday. As I was approaching HMV I noticed that there was a commotion out front and decided to check it out. As luck would have it S.G. were in there signing autographs!!!!! Yay!!! Since I had nothing better to do I walked in, got a free poster and had it signed. I wonder how much I could get for it on ebay??
