Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Last night when we got home, the cats ran up to greet us as ususal. Then Howard ran over to the chair and grabbed his toy mouse. He played with it and then brought it over to play with at our feet. I assumed he wanted to play fetch and bent down to pick his toy. Only it wasn't a toy. His usual mouse is about 3 inches long, grey, furry, with a fluffy tail. This one was about 3 inches long, had 4 legs sticking straight up in the air, a thin, hairless tail and teeth.

My initial reaction was to scream like a girl, but Q was in the next room and there was no way in hell that I was going to give him that kind of ammo. Plus that's what he would have done. So I calmly picked it up with a plastic bag and commented to him on how our little boy had just caught his first mouse. Then it went down the chute.

Howard was so cute and was running around the house as proud as could be. I felt bad for throwing away his trophy. He kept looking for it for the longest time, but then finally settled back down in the corner of the office, by the register, where I'm assuming he caught it. He didn't move from there most of the night.

Speaking of toys, I bought myself a new one for my birthday last night. I decided on an Apple Airport Express. It hooks up to your stereo and allows you to stream music wirelessly via iTunes, and also has a built in print server. I even made it work with my Linksys router to extend my wireless signal. It's only supposed to be able to do that with other Airports, but the internet is a wonderful thing.

It's great. I can sit in the living room with the laptop, and with iTunes I can access all the music on my PC in the office, choose what I want and play it on the stereo.

I'm left thinking that I may not hook my 110 disc CD player back up when we move, considering that I rarely use it as it is. It's huge and bulky. Instead I'll just rip the rest of the CD's to my computer and use the Airport from now on. If I want to hear a CD I can always put it in the DVD player. I think the same goes for the turntable too - maybe. I'm not quite ready to give up on that yet.