Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Visitor

When my parents arrived home on Saturday they found a visitor on their doorstep. My 36 year old brother left his bitchwife - again. I've lost count at this point. He left her last summer and even got an apartment. We were very hopeful it would last, but the stupid idiot went crawling back to that festering cunt. They are Born Again Christians and Born Again Christians don't believe in divorce so they went to Born Again Christian counselling. I guess Born Again Christians would rather that children live in a disfunctional home than a happy one.

My sister was not pleased, to say the least. She practically loathes my brother and can't stand to be in the same room as him. She was supposed to come down for Mother's day but refused because dickhead was there, which upset my mother who ended up having a crappy day. I'm not sure what my sister is going to do now. She brings her kids down to visit grandma and grandpa a lot. She can't stop that.

My parents claim to have laid down some ground rules for my brother. I don't really believe that they did, or if they did, that they will stick to them. That's been their problem with him all along. I can't believe that it would change now. They claim to have told him that he can stay, but if he ever goes back to that psycho bitch (my words, not theirs) that he would be on his own. Also he's to look after his kids if they come down on the weekend, not them. It all sounds like bullshit to me. They've complained about these exact issues before many times in the past and have done nothing to stop them. In fact they keep enabling him to act as he does.

Of course all of this drama goes down and no one bothers to call me. I only find out because I called my parents this morning about something totally unrelated. Nice.

So here's what I'm left with:

  • A messed up brother trying to leave his labia infested cunt thing, while not giving up access to his equally emotionally messed up children.
  • My parents who now have to deal with him and his kids and the ensuing drama with the Soap Opera Queen.
  • My sister who hates him, hasn't spoken to him in years, who also holds a grudge against my parents for how they drop everything for him, making her (and me sometimes) feel less important.
  • Me, seeing everything from all sides, understanding all points of view. I'm excited at the prospect of maybe having a brother again but I don't want anything to do with him when he's with It. I'm still very pissed at him for what he did in the past too. My sister and I are very close, and in some ways (right or wrong) I'd feel guilty for having a relationship with him again knowing how she feels. I have to watch the friction between her and my mother and her frustration with my parents in general. I'm frustrated with them too for not having the guts to stand up to my brother, firmly lay down the law and stick to it.
For some reason I feel like it's up to me to fix all this shit. I'm removed from most of this since I don't live near them, so I can have the most objective view. Also, after a year of therapy, I'd say that my communication and listening skills are much better than anyone in my family, since that is our number one issue. As corny as it sounds, I think that a family meeting is in order. It's been well over a decade since the five of us have sat down at a table and collectively had a discussion. In fact, come to think of it, we've never all sat at a table and had a serious collective discussion. I think it's time. I will make everyone sit down at a table and air out their grievances. No spouses, no children, just immediate family. Sounds like fun.

Because I don't have enough shit to worry about already.