Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Colin Brown

When I was in grade 6, me and a couple of friends used to meet at the highschool and walk together to our school, which was a few blocks away. As usual, there was also a gang of grade 8 kids who used terrorize us whenever we had the misfortune of appearing on their radar.

One day, after school had finished, I walked back by myself - the lone sheep who had strayed from the herd. I hadn't walked very far when this same group of kids came out of nowhere and swarmed me. The leader of the clan, a little toadie named Colin Brown, walked up to me, and without saying a word, punched me in the stomach. Then they took off.

I was pretty weak, self concious, and didn't know how to stand up for myself back then. So I made my way back to my school and burst into the classroom in a fit of humiliation and tears. My teacher calmed me down, had me tell her what happened, and called my parents to come pick me up.

The next day, I was called to the office, along with my teacher to meet with a police officer. I was informed that we were going to go across the street to Dr. Hawkins (the 7-8 school from hell) and that we were going to have a talk with Mr. Brown.

It was right near the end of the school year, so all the kids were writing exams in the gym. We showed up at the entrance - a teacher, a student and a cop - and pulled Colin away from the exam he was writing. We were then taken to a room where the cop had a little chat with him. I never had a problem after that.

However, as it turned out, Colin's sister and my sister were best friends, so you can imagine stupid he looked on top of it all. In September he went off to highschool, where he soon learned that far from being Mr. King Shit, he was actually at the bottom of the shit pile. My brother, the big , dumb jock, also happened to be finishing his last year of highschool then too.

One day, during the first week of classes, my brother walked up to him, grabbed him by the collar and threw him against a locker.

"Are you Colin Brown?" he asked.

"Yes" was the reply.

"I'm Jonathan's older brother." And then he let him drop. After that, Colin refused to go to school for 3 days. My sister told me he threw up every morning.

Years later, when I was home from University, I read in the local paper that Colin Brown was charged with molesting a 6 year old boy.